Product Details


List of Features

Incoloy 890

INCOLOY®alloy 890 (UNS N08890) is the latestaddition to the INCOLOY alloy family of heat resist-ant alloys.Alloy 890 joins the existing INCOLOYproducts in offering high strength along with excellentresistance to oxidation, carburization, and sulfidation attemperatures up to 2200°F (1200°C).


%Chemical Composition

C Ti Nb Al Cr Ni Fe
0.1 (max) 1 0.4 0.1 25 42.5 Balance
W Mo Cu S P Si Mn
0.2 1.2 (max) 0.75 (max) 0.015 (max) 0.03 1.8 (max) 1



Density & Melting Range

Melting Range (Celsius) Density
2522 - 2388 (g/cm) 7.94



Mechanical Properties

% Elongation Yield Strength (MPa) Tensile Strength (MPa)
46.5 44 62

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